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en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:circlemask [2017/04/17 09:59]
en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:circlemask [2022/12/19 11:48]
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-======Create a Circular Image====== 
-====The Image==== 
-  * Create a blank slide 
-  * In Objects and Animation, add a Frame and add a Mask to the Frame 
-  * In the Mask Properties set the Style to Circle and the Width of Blur to 1% 
-  * The maximum size is 512x512 and the 1% Blur acts as an Anti-Aliasing effect 
-  * An OVAL Mask can be created by clicking on the button between the 512's and adjusting to suit 
-  * Click OK 
-  * Click on the "Mask Container" in the Objects Panel and Add an Image 
-  * Adjust the Mask Size and the Image Size to suit 
-  * The Image and the Mask can be "Keyframed" to obtain a Zoom or Pan effect 
-==== Create a Simple Frame ==== 
-    * Add a New Mask to the Frame and place the new Mask Container below the original Mask 
-    * Add a Rectangle (e.g. Solid - White) to this Mask Container 
-    * Adjust the size the the Mask containing the Rectangle to provide the desired Frame Size 
-By use of Keyframes on the Parent Frame and the individual elements the Circular Image and its Simple Frame can be Panned,  Zoomed etc and also the Circular Image can be Panned and Zoomed within the Simple Frame. 
en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/circlemask.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)