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en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:frame [2018/02/18 21:52]
en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:frame [2022/12/19 11:48]
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-A Frame is a transparent object which can be used as a "Parent" object in Objects and Animation. 
-It can also be thought of as a Rectangle Object with Zero Opacity. 
-==== Add the Frame ==== 
-Click on the Frame Icon to add a Frame. 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> The Frame is added to the Objects and Animation Screen 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> The Size of the Frame is the Project Size and it "Fits" the Screen 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> The Zoom for the Frame is 100% when it Fits the Screen 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> The Opacity of the Frame is Zero 
-==== Multiple Frames ==== 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Frames can be added to other frames (Parent / Child) and can be renamed in the Common Tab 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Using the Multiple Frames approach animation can applied to each frame independently 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Pan motion is applied to the Pan Frame 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Zoom motion is applied to the Zoom Frame 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Rotation is applied to the Rotate Frame 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> The Object can also be animated independently of the three frames 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Frames can be made "Transparent to Selection" 
-==== Hierarchy in Parent / Child Relationships ==== 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Note that in the above example: 
-  <nowiki>*</nowiki> The Object is at the "Front" 
-  <nowiki>*</nowiki> The Pan Frame is at the "Rear" 
-==== Hierarchy in Independent Frames / Objects ==== 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> An Independent Frame or Object which is placed "above" another Independent Frame or Object in the Objects List is also "above" in terms of Selection 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> "Higher" Independent Frames or Objects in the Objects List need to be made "Transparent to Selection" to be able to Click on and Select "Lower" Independent Frames or Objects 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> This also applies to Published Exe Files which have HyperLinks on Objects 
-==== A frame whose dimensions are different to the project size ==== 
-When working in the Objects and Animations window it is sometimes advantageous to add a frame, the dimensions of which differ from the project size. An example would be to create a square frame in a 3:2 Project. 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Open a second instance of PicturesToExe and make is project size equal to the frame that you want to create e.g. 600×600 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Go to Objects and Animation 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Add a frame, which will be 600×600 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> In the Objects Panel Copy the 600×600 Frame 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Return to the original instance of PicturesToExe 
-<nowiki>*</nowiki> Paste into Objects and animation 
en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/frame.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)