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en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:mask [2017/02/25 10:51]
en-us:10.0:how_to_v9:mask [2022/12/19 11:48]
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-====== Add a Mask Object ====== 
-To add a Mask Object you can: 
-  * Click on the "M" Icon at the top right hand side of the Objects and Animation Screen 
-  * Right Click in the Object Panel or Main Screen in Objects and Animation and choose to "Add a Mask" 
-You are offered three alternatives 
-==== Add a Mask Template ==== 
-  * Choose from Circle or Rectangle 
-The MASK can be a Preset Template Mask or an Image or Video. 
-==== Template ==== 
-In the Template section choose either Circle or Rectangle for Style. 
-Size and Width of Blur can be adjusted for a circular mask. If a rectangular mask is chosen the addition Corner Radius is available. Clicking on the button between the Horizontal and Vertical parameters in "Size in Pixels" allows an elliptical / oval mask to be created. Click on OK. 
-You can now add an image to the Mask Container. The mask allows the portion inside the circle to be seen. 
-If the Mask Container is added to an Image (as a Child) then the Mask allows you to see through the Parent Image to the image contained in the Mask. 
-The Size and Appearance of the Mask Container, the Mask and the contained Image can be adjusted per Key Frame. 
-==== Image or Video ==== 
-You can also create a mask in an external editor and use that in place of the Template version. 
-The "Image Mask" should be "white and black" or or "white and transparent". 
-In the example below a white diamond shaped transparent png has been used. 
-{{  :en-us:9.0:techniques:mask-05.jpg?nolink&  }} 
-See [[:en-us:9.0:techniques:simplepan|"Create a Simple Pan"]] for an example of basic Key Frames. 
-Back to [[:en-us:9.0:objects-and-animation:main_screen|Objects and Animation / Main Screen]] 
en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/mask.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)