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en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:help [2019/07/16 12:09]
admin236548 ↷ Page moved from en-us:9.0:main_menu_1:help to en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:help
en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:help [2021/10/23 17:08]
davegee [The Help Menu]
Line 1: Line 1:
- +===== The Help Menu =====
-=====The Help Menu=====+
 The "Main Menu", "Help" provides 6 menu options as shown below: The "Main Menu", "Help" provides 6 menu options as shown below:
 These menu items provide the following functions : These menu items provide the following functions :
-    * **User Guide Online…**    - provides a link to the online user guides (German, French, Italian and English; +  * **User Guide Online…**  - provides a link to the online user guides (German, French, Italian and English; 
-    * **What's New**    - provides a link to an online page with details of the additions to the latest version of Pictures To Exe; +  * **What's New**  - provides a link to an online page with details of the additions to the latest version of Pictures To Exe; 
-    * **Welcome Screen**    - opens the Welcome Screen; +  * **Welcome Screen**  - opens the Welcome Screen; 
-    * **Check for Updates**    - enables the "check for updates" process which advises if a new version is available; +  * **Check for Updates**  - enables the "check for updates" process which advises if a new version is available; 
-    * **Enter New Licence Key…**    - this opens a dialog box into which a new licence key can be entered; +  * **Enter New Licence Key…**  - this opens a dialog box into which a new licence key can be entered; 
-    * **About PicturesToExe…**    - shows the version number of the installed program together with other useful links and details.+  * **About PicturesToExe…**  - shows the version number of the installed program together with other useful links and details.
 //Keywords for images on this page: new project; save; open; separator; undo; redo; drives; picture; size; file; list; text; comment; change; image; video; audio; file; record; voice; spacer; publish; options; slide; style; objects; animation; preview; editor; current position; remove; slide number; full; duration; pixel; size; media; name; editions; deluxe; essentials. // //Keywords for images on this page: new project; save; open; separator; undo; redo; drives; picture; size; file; list; text; comment; change; image; video; audio; file; record; voice; spacer; publish; options; slide; style; objects; animation; preview; editor; current position; remove; slide number; full; duration; pixel; size; media; name; editions; deluxe; essentials. //
en-us/10.0/main_menu_1/help.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)