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en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:main [2017/05/03 14:54]
en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:main [2022/12/21 15:48] (current)
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 +===== Main Menu ===== 
 +There are 6 menu items forming the Main Program Menu at the top left-hand side of the Main Window. 
 +For details of the File Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:file|]] 
 +For details of the Publish Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:publish|]] 
 +For details of the Project Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:project|]] 
 +For details of the Slide Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:slide|]] 
 +For details of the Settings Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:settings|]] 
 +For details of the Help Menu, see [[:en-us:10.0:main_menu_1:help|]]
-===== Main Menu 1 ===== 
en-us/10.0/main_menu_1/main.1493823289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:45 (external edit)