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en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab [2019/01/01 16:31]
davegee [Animation Speed Modifiers]
en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab [2022/12/19 11:48]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Animation Tab ===== 
-The Animation Tab is shown below.This provides the various adjustments and parameters to control animation of objects. 
-    * For Pan and Rotate, adjustments can be made in three planes 
-      * X,Y and Z for Pan 
-      * C,Y and X for Rotate 
-    * These adjustments replace the 3D parameters provided in Version 8. 
-    * A new adjustment called Framing is provided (see [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab|Framing]]) 
-    * The Color Correction parameters have been expanded in Version 9 ([[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab|Color Correction]]) 
-    * The "Key Frame Time" box shows the time (in milliseconds) of the selected Key Frame 
-===== Parameter Controls ===== 
-==== Display Mode for Pan and Zoom ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a005.jpg  }} 
-    * Pan and Zoom values can be read in Percent (%), Pixels (px) or Original Pts 
-    * Click on the "%", "px" or "pt" symbol to choose 
-    * Click on 100% in Zoom to choose Original Size (Original/Actual Pixels) 
-==== Percentage / Pixels / Points ==== 
-**In Pan:** 
-    * In "Percentage" mode the "x" and "y" values are displayed from the Centre Point of the Object with respect to the Centre Point of its Parent 
-    * In "Pixel" mode the "x" and "y" values are displayed from the Top Left corner of the Object with respect to the Top Left corner of its Parent 
-    * In "Original Points" mode the "x" and "y" values are displayed from the Centre Point of the Object with respect to the Centre Point of its Parent 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a006.jpg  }} 
-**In Zoom:** 
-    * In "Percentage" mode the "x" and "y" values are calculated with respect to the Parent 
-    * In "Pixels" mode the "x" and "y" values are the "Actual Pixels" of the Object after any Zoom has been applied 
-    * In "Original Points" mode the "x" and "y" values are the percentage dimensions with respect to the Original Pixel Dimensions of the Object 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a007.jpg  }} 
-    * Z - Rotate the Object about the Centre Point 
-    * Y - Revolve about the Vertical Axis Centre Point 
-    * X - Revolve about the Horizontal Axis Centre Point 
-** Centre** 
-    * X - The horizontal Centre of Rotation of the Object relative to the Centre of the Object's Parent(%) 
-    * Y - The vertical Centre of Rotation of the Object relative the Centre of the Object's Parent(%) 
-==== Changing Parameters with the Mouse ==== 
-    * Place the Mouse on any Letter (e.g. X,Y or Z in the Pan Controls) and click and drag left or Right 
-    * You can also Right Click on any Letter and access commonly used Preset Values (See Right Click Menus below) 
-    * You can "double click" on any letter to change the value back to its default state 
-==== Keyboard Entry ==== 
-    * In any box, highlight the existing value and type in a new value 
-OR Place the cursor in a box and: 
-    * UP arrow on Keyboard increases the value by one unit 
-    * DOWN arrow decreases the value by one unit 
-    * Pg Up on Keyboard increases the value by ten units 
-    * Pg Dn on Keyboard decreases the value by ten units 
-The UNITS depend on the chosen Display Mode: 
-    * In % Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1% or 10% of the Parent Frame (or Background) 
-    * In Px Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1 Pixel or 10 Pixels - relative to Project Size 
-    * In Pt Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1 Pixel or 10 Pixels relative to the Original size of the Object 
-    * The parameters can be read in Percentage, Pixels or Original Points 
-    * X - Horizontal movement of the Object relative to the width of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Y - Vertical movement of the Object relative to the height of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Z - Zoom - "Closer to" or "further away from" the viewer 
-    * The parameters can be read in Percentage, Pixels or Original Points 
-    * X - The horizontal dimension relative to the native size/resolution of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Y - The vertical dimension relative to the native size/resolution of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * With the "Chain Link" deselected the object can be distorted 
-    * With the "Chain Link" restored the distorted image/object can be scaled 
-    * Click on 100% to return to default settings (100%) 
-The UNITS depend on the chosen Display Mode: 
-    * In % Mode 100% = 100% of the Parent (Slide / Frame etc) 
-    * In Px Mode the Pixel Dimensions of the Object are shown 
-    * In Pt Mode 100% = 100% of the Native Pixels of the Object 
-The first example shows a 1920×1080 Image inserted into a (default) 16:9 - 1920×1080 Project. Note the values for the %, Px and Pt Modes in the Zoom Box. 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a013.jpg  }} 
-The next example shows the same 1920×1080 Image inserted into a 4:3 - 1024×768 Project. Note the values for the %, Px and Pt Modes in the Zoom Box. 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a014.jpg  }} 
-==== The Right Click Menus for X, Y and Z ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a015.jpg  }} 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a016.jpg  }} 
-===== Modifiers ===== 
-==== Animation Speed Modifiers ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a018.jpg  }} 
-**Acceleration Time** and **Deceleration Time** can be set separately or together to produce the Speed Option effects of Version 8 
-Combinations of Acceleration and Deceleration will produce an almost infinite number of Animation Speed Effects 
-**Start Speed** will either Slow Down (Negative values) or Speed Up (Positive values) the Start Phase of the Animation Speed set with Acceleration and Deceleration Times 
-**Final Speed** will either Slow Down (Positive values) or Speed Up (Negative values) the Final Phase of the Animation Speed set with Acceleration and Deceleration Times 
-"Bounce Effects" are possible by using Negative Values of either Start Impulse or Final Braking 
-==== X, Y and Z Effects Modifiers ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a019.jpg  }} 
-    * **Amplitude** is a percentage of the dimensions of the Parent Frame of the Object (or the slide Dimensions where no other frame exists) 
-      * For an X Modifier 100% Amplitude = 50% of the X Dimension of the Parent Frame 
-      * For a Y Modifier 100% Amplitude = 50% of the Y Dimension of the Parent Frame 
-      * For a Z Modifier: 
-        * For a setting of 100 the Object is moved backward or forward (with respect to the viewer) by an amount equal to half of the height of the Project Resolution 
-        * In a 1920x1080 Project the Object is moved backward or forward by an amount equal to (1080 x 0.5) = 540 Pixels 
-    * **Repeats**    is the number of times that the Effect is performed between two Key Frames (or from the KF with the Modifier to the end of the slide) 
-    * **Phase Shift**    is a percentage of the duration of one repeat of the effect between two Key Frames (or from the KF with the Modifier to the end of the slide) 
-=====   ===== 
-===== Other Adjustments ===== 
-==== Framing ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a009.jpg  }} 
-    * S = Scale 
-    * X = X Axis Offset 
-    * Y = Y Axis Offset 
-    * Use in conjunction with the Border Control and Aspect Ratio Crop in Properties Tab 
-    * S, X and Y can be set per Key Frame with Zoom and Pan etc 
-    * Choose an Aspect Ratio for your image in Properties / Aspect Ratio Crop (Optional) 
-    * Choose a Border Width in Properties / Border (Optional) 
-    * In Animation / Framing use the Scale (S) slider to zoom into or out of the Image within the Frame 
-    * Use the X and Y offset sliders to re-position the Image in the Frame 
-    * The size of the Frame can be adjusted using the Zoom slider 
-    * The Scale, Offset and Zoom controls can then be set for individual Key Frames to provide Animation of the Frame and its contents 
-See also: [[:en-us:9.0:how_to_v9:framing|Framing]] 
-==== Opacity ==== 
-    * A -This adjustment controls the Opacity of an Object between 0 -100% 
-==== Blur ==== 
-    * R -This adjustment controls the Radius of the amount of Blur(+) or Sharpening(-) applied to an Object 
-==== Color Correction ==== 
-{{:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation:v9-o_a017.jpg  }} 
-=== Levels === 
-    * Black Point - Adjust the Black Point 
-    * Mid Tones - Adjust the Mid Point or Gamma 
-    * White Point - Adjust the White Point 
-=== Brightness / Contrast === 
-    * Brightness - Adjust the Brightness of the Object 
-    * Contrast - Adjust the Contrast of the Object 
-=== Hue / Saturation === 
-    * Hue - Adjust the Hue of the Object 
-    * Saturation - Adjust the Saturation of the Object 
-    * Lightness - Adjust the Lightness of the Object 
-=== Toning === 
-    * Preset - Presently Cyan and Custom 
-    * Color - Color Picker 
-    * Amount - Fade the effect of the Toning 
-=== Coloration === 
-    * Duplicate of Toning 
-=== Negative === 
-    * Creates a Negative Image 
-==== Key-Frame Time ==== 
-This box shows the Key Frame time in milliseconds.  The value shown is always the time associated with the individual slide. 
-{{:en-us:9.0:o:v9.0j_key_frame_time_01.jpg  }} 
-    * If "Show Global Times of Key Frames" is selected in the "Tools" menu, the time shown above a selected Key Frame will be the global time in seconds 
-    * The "Key Frame Time" box will always show the time associated with the Slide 
-{{:en-us:9.0:o:v9.0j_key_frame_time_02.jpg  }} 
-    * If "Show Global Times of Key Frames" is de-selected in the "Tools" menu, the time shown above a selected Key Frame will be the local or slide time in seconds 
-    * The "Key Frame Time" box will always show the time associated with the Slide 
en-us/10.0/objectsandanimation_1/animation_tab.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)