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en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab [2019/11/25 16:18]
en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab [2022/12/19 11:48]
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-===== Animation Tab ===== 
-The Animation Tab is shown below.This provides the various adjustments and parameters to control animation of objects. 
-    * For Pan and Rotate, adjustments can be made in three planes 
-      * X,Y and Z for Pan 
-      * C,Y and X for Rotate 
-    * These adjustments replace the 3D parameters provided in Version 8. 
-    * A new adjustment called Framing is provided (see [[:en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab|Framing]]) 
-    * The Color Correction parameters have been expanded in Version 9 ([[:en-us:10.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab|Color Correction]]) 
-    * The "Key Frame Time" box shows the time (in milliseconds) of the selected Key Frame 
-===== Parameter Controls ===== 
-==== Display Mode for Pan and Zoom ==== 
-Click on the "%" sign or the "100%" sign: 
-    * "%" = Percentage Mode 
-    * "px" = Pixels Mode 
-    * "pt" = Original Points Mode 
-    * "100%" = Full Height of Project Screen 
-    * "Original Pixels" =  The Original Pixel Size of the Image 
-The Illustration below shows a 640×480 rectangle at Original Size in a 1920×1080 Project 
-    * In Percentage Mode: 
-    * The values for "X" and "Y" Pan are calculated for the Centre of the Object/Rectangle with respect to the Centre of the Slide 
-    * The value of the Zoom Parameter is the percentage of the Full Height of the Project Screen (in this case 1080 pixels) 
-    * 480/1080= 0.44444444444 = 44.44444444% 
-    * In Pixels Mode: 
-    * The values for "X" and "Y" Pan are calculated for the Top Left Corner of the Object/Rectangle with respect to the Top Left Corner of the Slide 
-    * The value of the Zoom Parameter is the Pixel Size of the Object/Rectangle 
-    * In Points Mode 
-==== The Centre Control ==== 
-    * The "CENTRE" Control can be used to move the CENTRE or "Point of Rotation" of an Object as shown below: 
-==== The Rotate Control ==== 
-    * The "Rotate C" Control will rotate an Object about its Centre Point in the same plane as the screen: 
-    * The "Rotate Y" Control will rotate an Object about its Centre Point in 3 Dimensions Horizontally: 
-    * The "Rotate X" Control will rotate an Object about its Centre Point in 3 Dimensions Vertically: 
-    * The "C", "Y" and "X" Rotate Controls can be used simultaneously: 
-==== Changing Parameters with the Mouse ==== 
-    * Place the Mouse on any Letter (e.g. X,Y or Z in the Pan Controls) and click and drag left or Right 
-    * You can also Right Click on any Letter and access commonly used Preset Values (See Right Click Menus below) 
-    * You can "double click" on any letter to change the value back to its default state 
-==== Keyboard Entry ==== 
-    * In any box, highlight the existing value and type in a new value 
-OR Place the cursor in a box and: 
-    * UP arrow on Keyboard increases the value by one unit 
-    * DOWN arrow decreases the value by one unit 
-    * Pg Up on Keyboard increases the value by ten units 
-    * Pg Dn on Keyboard decreases the value by ten units 
-The UNITS depend on the chosen Display Mode: 
-    * In % Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1% or 10% of the Parent Frame (or Background) 
-    * In Px Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1 Pixel or 10 Pixels - relative to Project Size 
-    * In Pt Mode the units will increase/decrease by 1 Pixel or 10 Pixels relative to the Original size of the Object 
-    * The parameters can be read in Percentage, Pixels or Original Points 
-    * X - Horizontal movement of the Object relative to the width of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Y - Vertical movement of the Object relative to the height of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Z - Zoom - "Closer to" or "further away from" the viewer 
-    * The parameters can be read in Percentage, Pixels or Original Points 
-    * X - The horizontal dimension relative to the native size/resolution of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * Y - The vertical dimension relative to the native size/resolution of the Object's Parent Frame 
-    * With the "Chain Link" deselected the object can be distorted 
-    * With the "Chain Link" restored the distorted image/object can be scaled 
-    * Click on 100% to return to default settings (100%) 
-The UNITS depend on the chosen Display Mode: 
-    * In % Mode 100% = 100% of the Parent (Slide / Frame etc) 
-    * In Px Mode the Pixel Dimensions of the Object are shown 
-    * In Pt Mode 100% = 100% of the Native Pixels of the Object 
-==== The Right Click Menus for X, Y and Z ==== 
-==== Framing ==== 
-    * Framing can be used to Pan and/or Zoom an Image within a Frame without modifying the frame itself 
-    * Framing can also be used to adjust an Aspect Ratio mismatch 
-    * In the example below a 4:3 image is shown within a 3:2 frame at 90% of full screen in a 16:9 Project. 
-    * In the default 100% Scaling (S) the 4:3 Image has been "cut off" at the top and bottom of the Image and "Fits" the Width of the 3:2 Frame. 
-    * By adjusting the "S", "X" and "Y" Controls a "Best Fit" composition can be achieved 
-    * Further Panning and Zooming is possible 
-==== Opacity and Blur ==== 
-    * The Illustration shows Main Image used as a Background Image at 100% Opacity and Zero Blur 
-    * The following Illustration shows the same Background Image with reduced Opacity and a little Blur 
-==== Modifiers ==== 
-  * Modifiers can be applied to an Animation of an Object / Image between two Key Frames 
-  * The Modifier is applied to the first Key Fame of a pair of Key Frames defining the animation 
-  * Click on "Modifier" 
-  * The drop-down shows a number of options, the first being Animation Speed 
-  * Acceleration - the animation starts "slowly" and builds up to a maximum 
-  * Slow Down - the animation starts at maximum speed and finishes smoothly 
-  * Smooth - Starts an ends smoothly, with the maximum speed in the middle 
-  * Custom - Linear Acceleration to the Middle of the animation and Linear Deceleration to the finish - a starting point for a Custom Setting 
-  * Pan, Zoom, Rotate etc all have a set of modifiers labelled: 
-    * Oscillation  
-    * Jumping  
-    * Ping Pong 
-    * Shift 
-  * The following Video demonstrates the various Modifiers 
-==== Colour Correction ==== 
-  * Click on "Add Filter" to display a list of available Colour Correction Adjustments: 
-The available Adjustments are: 
-  * Levels 
-  * Brightness / Contrast 
-  * Hue / Saturation 
-  * Toning  
-  * Colouration 
-  * Negative 
-==== Levels ==== 
-  * The Adjustments: 
-  * Click and drag within the area outlined to the Left and / or Right to change the value of the adjustment 
-  * Values can be entered directly via the keyboard 
-  * Increasing the Black Point and decreasing he White Point will apply Contrast to the Object / Image 
-  * Increasing / Decreasing the Midtones will Lighten / Darken the Object / Image 
-==== Brightness / Contrast ==== 
-  * The Adjustments: 
-  * Click and drag within the area outlined to the Left and / or Right to change the value of the adjustment 
-  * Values can be entered directly via the keyboard 
-  * Drag to the Left / Right to Decrease / Increase Brightness 
-  * Drag to the Left / Right to Decrease / Increase Contrast 
-==== Hue / Saturation ==== 
-  * The Adjustments: 
-  * Click and drag within the area outlined to the Left and / or Right to change the value of the adjustment 
-  * Values can be entered directly via the keyboard 
-  * Drag to the Left / Right to change the Hue 
-  * Drag to the Left / Right to Desaturate / Saturate the Object / Image 
-  * Drag to the Left / Right to Darken / Lighten the Object / Image 
-==== Toning ==== 
-  * The Adjustments: 
-  * Choose from Grayscale, Sepia or Cyan 
-  * Click and drag within the area outlined to the Left and / or Right to change the value of the adjustment 
-  * Values can be entered directly via the keyboard 
-  * Click on the Colour /Grayscale to open the Choose Colour Box and change the Tone 
-  * Drag the Amount Slider to the Left to Decrease the Effect 
-==== Colouration ==== 
-  * The Adjustments: 
-  * Choose from Red, Green or Blue 
-  * Click and drag within the area outlined to the Left and / or Right to change the value of the adjustment 
-  * Values can be entered directly via the keyboard 
-  * Click on the Colour to open the Choose Colour Box and change the Tone 
-  * Drag the Amount Slider to the Left to Decrease the Effect 
-==== Negative ==== 
-  * No Adjustments 
-  * Creates a Negative version of the Object / Image 
-  * Combine with Grayscale Toning or Desaturation to make a Black and White Negative from a Colour Image 
-==== Key-frame Time ==== 
-  * Allows for precise positioning of Key-Frames 
en-us/10.0/objectsandanimation_1/animation_tab.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 (external edit)