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en-us:9.0:how_to_v9:mask [2022/12/18 11:20] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Add a Mask Object ======
 +To add a Mask Object you can:
 +    * Click on the "M" Icon at the top right hand side of the Objects and Animation Screen
 +    * Right Click in the Object Panel or Main Screen in Objects and Animation and choose to "Add a Mask"
 +You are offered three alternatives
 +==== Add a Mask Template ====
 +    * Choose from Circle or Rectangle
 +    * Click OK to add the Mask to the Object Panel
 +    * A Rectangle Mask is added to the Mask Stencil
 +    * Right Click on Mask Content and Add / Image
 +    * You can then add Animation to the Image within the Mask
 +    * You can Zoom, Pan etc the Mask Container and/or the Mask Stencil
 +==== Add a Blank Mask ====
 +    * You can add a Blank Mask to add your own Image as a Mask
 +==== Add an Image/Video Mask ====
 +    * Add an Image as Mask Content
 +    * A Video could also be added as either the Mask Stencil or Mask Content
 +==== Text as a Mask ====
 +    * Add Text as a Mask Stencil
 +    * Add an Image to the Mask Content
 +==== Complex Masks ====
 +    * Masks in Version 9 also have another property which enables complex masks to be generated from a mixture of black and white objects: the ability to switch the "Alpha Channel" on and off.
 +    * Here is an example using two black rectangles with a white centre rectangle. Remember "white reveals" and "black conceals"..
 +    * These two rectangles can be used to generate a composite mask
 +    * The two rectangles are now used as mask stencils in a user-defined Blank Mask
 +    * Rectangle 2 is above Rectangle 1
 +    * For Rectangle 2, if "Convert to Alpha Image" is ON, then the black area where Rectangle 2 overlaps Rectangle 1 becomes transparent
 +    * Convert to Alpha image is ON For Rectangle 2
 +    * In the next example, "Convert to Alpha Image" is OFF for Rectangle 2 and the black area blocks out the area where it overlaps Rectangle 1
 +    * More complex masks are possible using this technique and an example is shown below
en-us/9.0/how_to_v9/mask.1488041509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/18 11:20 (external edit)