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en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:main [2022/12/18 11:20] (current) – external edit
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 +===== Objects and Animation (O&A) Editor =====
 +For details of the Main Objects and Animation Editor screen, see [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:main_window|Main O&A Window]]
 +For details of the Properties Tab, see [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:properties_tab|Properties Tab]]
 +For details of the Animation Tab, see  [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:animation_tab|Animation Tab]]
 +For details of how to manage key frames, see [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:managing_key_frames|Managing Key Frames]]
 +For details of the Mask Menu, see  [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:masks|The Mask Menu]]
 +For details of the Tools Men in the Main O&A Window, see  [[:en-us:9.0:objectsandanimation_1:tools|The Tools Menu]]
en-us/9.0/objectsandanimation_1/main.1493823419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/18 11:20 (external edit)