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Executable vs Video


EXE format is an Executable File (.exe) which contains your show for Windows (Vista/7/8/10).


  • Fast creation time for an EXE file (compared to MP4 Video)
  • Manual control for a show (see the Project Options > Control tab)
  • Original quality of your images and better quality of transitions
  • Automatic refresh rate for current monitor
  • Smaller file size


  • Only for Windows
  • Cannot be played, directly, on a Television
  • Potential issues with a compatibility with future versions of Windows

MP4 Video


  • Default Presets give excellent results
  • Suitable for both PC and MAC
  • Can be uploaded to hosting sites such as Vimeo or YouTube and embedded in social media
  • Can be played on most Television Sets with a USB Input (HD or 4K)


  • Time to render is longer than for EXE File
  • Large, often unwieldy, File Size
  • No Manual Control other than PAUSE
en-us/12.0/main_menu_1/publish/compare.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/07 11:27 by davegee