Table of Contents
Barry Beckham Video Tutorials 2
- These videos were recorded using PicturesToEXE 9, but the vast majority of the techniques we deal with in this set of videos are identical to PTE AV Studio.
- You should have little trouble following these videos using PTE AV Studio
Advanced Animation and Custom Transitions
Preferences and Settings
Parent and Child Animation
Animation and Frames
Custom Transition - Single Variant
3D Book Demo
3D Book Start
3D Book Pages
3D Book Ending
3D Book Artwork
3D Book Slide Styles
Custom Transitions - Buttons Prep
Custom Transitions - Buttons & Cropping
Masks Superimposing
Masks & Text
Masks & Third Image
Masks Continued
Making Masks
Custom Transition Multiple Variant List
The Splitter Technique
en-us/10.0/how_to_v10/beckham_2.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 by