Colour Management
PicturesToExe includes full colour management since Version 9.
- Support of embedded colour profiles in JPEG and PNG images.
- Support of colour space of a monitor (output):
- sRGB (by default)
- Current monitor profile
- Adobe RGB
- Custom ICC/ICM profile
- You can use command line parameters for live control of colour management in created EXE presentations:
-noicc - disable colour management and colour profiles of images (works as PTE 8).
-icc srgb - use sRGB colour space
-icc adobergb - use AdobeRGB colour space
-icc - use current monitor profile
-icc profilename.icc/icm - use custom colour profile which is located in same folder with EXE.
- So this gives you great possibilities. For example, people send EXE presentations to a camera club for AV competition. If you have a calibrated AdobeRGB projector, you can force to run these EXE presentations in Adobe RGB colour space with wide-gamut. It will give excellent results, if AV authors will use Adobe RGB images in EXE files.
- PicturesToExe performs colour managements for all objects (images, videos, text, rectangles, background).
- PicturesToExe performs colour management in real time. It doesn't affect the performance. PicturesToExe use source images with colour profiles and adapts them to colour space of destination monitor in real time on the fly.
- PicturesToExe Essentials doesn't offer any color management options in the Preferences. Color management works automatically with default settings. PicturesToExe Essentials reads color profiles from JPEG images and automatically converts all non-sRGB images to sRGB color space
en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/colour.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:48 by