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Text Font Preview

  • In Objects and Animation you can preview the appearance of different fonts in your text box as follows:
  • Click on the FONT NAME Button and in the Drop-down Menu and HOVER the mouse over a Font



  • Using the UP and DOWN ARROWS you can now scroll through the Fonts List and Preview the Font in Real Time
  • Click on the Selected Font to use it
  • Used Fonts will form a list of “favourites” at the top of the Fonts List

Changing Multiple Instances of Text Fonts

  • You can change multiple instances of Text Fonts simoultaneously


  • Select all instances of Text in which you want to change font


  • Select the new font using the method above


  • Click enter to apply


en-us/10.0/how_to_v9/textpreview.1535969260.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:45 (external edit)