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PTE AV Studio 10

Online Help

Download PTE AV Studio 10:

PTE AV Studio 10 allows the creation of impressive photo and video slideshows for PC, Mac, DVD and YouTube. Add images and video clips together with all effects: Pan/Zoom/Rotate, 3D transformations, masks. Instant preview of a slideshow in real time. Highest quality of picture and smooth playback of animations. A slideshow can be accompanied by sound or text comments with each slide or by any music file.

Slideshows and professional AV works made in PTE AV Studio 10 (previosly PicturesToExe) have repeatedly won first place at international festivals in the United Kingdom, France and Belgium.

PTE AV Studio 10 is available in two editions:

PTE AV Studio 10 Pro (previously Deluxe)


PTE AV Studio 10 (previously Essentials)

Authors of the Online Help:

Please press Ctrl+F5 to reset cache in your browser every time you visit the Online Help to see recent changes and new articles.

  • Dave Gould
  • Jeff Evans
  • Lin Evans

How To's by:

  • Dave Gould
  • Jeff Evans
  • Lin Evans
  • Peter Appleton
  • Tom95521 (Mac)


en-us/10.0/main.1569655358.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:45 (external edit)